Thursday, January 31, 2008

snapshots: northwest winter

These are not "new" pictures and many of you have probably seen them before. I've been slow about uploading pictures to blogger because, relatively speaking, it's pain. But I'm going to try to be better about it because I've been taking a lot of pictures and would like to know what you think.

First stop Portland, Oregon. Dec 2008

Next, somewhere in Western Washington on Highway 97, Dec. 2008

Early morning, between Chelan WA and Wenatchee WA, Dec 2008

Me and my bro, Chelan Washington, Dec 2008

super cute aunt and uncle, Bellingham Washington 2008
If anyone wants more cute family pictures, email me.

the adventures continue

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The pictures of a snow filled field capture every ounce of the image I tried to paint with my words of the way the sky looks during a snow storm. It's so perfect. Thank you.